Volunteer with us

The mission of Friends of CV Link cannot be accomplished without the broad support of the community. Help improve the quality of life in the Coachella Valley by volunteering with us.

Volunteer opportunities include:

Trails Advocacy: Our most effective means of getting our message heard by public officials is to attend public meetings in support of trails issues. We also need volunteers to participate in regional trails planning initiatives; and write letters of support, make phone calls and send emails in support trails planning and preservation issues.Fundraising: assistance with grant and donation research, writing and follow-up.

Office Support: answering inquiries, organizing, assisting with mailings and other communications.

Trails Resources Management: collecting, organizing and distributing trails information through various media.Website Maintenance: expanding the updating information.

Computer Tech Support: assist with setting up, maintaining and streamlining computer systems.

Event Planning: creating and/or coordinating activities such as hikes, forums, fundraising and educational events.

Graphic Design: assist with design and preparation of informational materials.

Complete the form below if you'd like to become a volunteer!
Friends of CV Link meets every 2nd Thursday of the month.
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